
- ボイス再生が入ったりするとAutoモードが一時的に止まってしまう。Waitが入っていたりすると影響もありそう。シーンが切り替われば動くようにはなるが、Waitが挟まると機能しない。Autoモードスクリプトの制約です。クリック、マウスホイールの下でテキスト送りできます。
- E-moteが表示されるスロットのWait判定がないので、どうしてもWaitを挟んでモーションが終わるまで待機させる必要がある。
- Unity単体で作っているわけじゃないので、宴側から操作する関係でボタン操作がワンクリック余計に発生する。
- 騎乗位シーンにおいて、表情遷移で一部頬パーツが変に表示されている。(海外パッケージで対処します)
The problem with what we know now.
Auto mode stops temporarily when voice playback comes on or something. If it has Wait in it, it might have an effect. It works when you switch scenes, but it doesn’t work when Wait gets stuck. Auto mode script constraints. You can click and text under the mouse wheel.
There is no Wait judgment for the slot where the E-motor appears, so you have to put the Wait in between and wait until the motion ends.
It’s not built by Unity alone, so there’s one extra click of a button to operate it from the Utage side.
In the cowgirl scene, some cheek parts are oddly displayed in the facial expression transition. (We will deal with it with an overseas package)
Wow! I must say this is a surprise!! You managed to make the audio work!!!
The story is interesting. Arisa is the main heroine this time, and they only meet in the future once Satoshi is having trouble at work. His work is very “generic” so it can fit all kinds of players and is an interesting twist. I am happy to hear that they are adults. Highschool students are boring to me.
I feel bad for Mami T_T
There is a small bug however. The title music’s volume does not change when you change the setting. The scenario select screen and onward will change.
The cowgirl animation is good. I actually liked the low speed cowgirl a bit more than the fast cowgirl. My favorite animation was the female lead cowgirl. 21.
The move to Unity is amazing! The game loads much faster, the text and characters move much more smoothly, and I love the 16:9 aspect ratio.
I think the white flashes on screen are not appearing properly however. For white flashes, I don’t think you need to have them appear at 100% opacity. If the white flashes appear on screen at 70% opacity and then get reduced to 0% opacity over time, that would be better in my opinion.
The paizuri was amazing well done as well. I really liked how she moved each individual breast. I loved her facial expressions changing throughout the scene as well.
The selection system even gave previews of the animation! That’s too amazing! You are seriously amazing!
Thank you for the report.
The background music on the title screen and the background music in the scenario have separate parameters.
Because the background music on the title screen is set on the Unity side, the volume of the background music on the title screen does not change even if you change the setting in the configuration.
It’s easy to be misunderstood, so maybe it’s better not to have background music on the title screen.
Since the control of the banquet side is done only after the scenario button is pressed, the BGM volume is finally reflected in the configuration.
The flash effect on the white screen is somehow pseudo-introduced because it can’t be used well with Unity at present.
Originally, sepia color is the control of the feast side, so it might be better to switch to that side, but at worst, I think it might be OK without flash.
It’s just that it doesn’t work.
It feels like you’re supposed to flash it twice, but it only works once, and a sepia flash might work.
As for Mami, we’ll see her again as soon as the scenario on Arisa’s side is over, but the timeline is more advanced than last time. I’m no longer a student.
It’s a scenario on Arisa’s part, so I’m assuming that if she didn’t think anything of it, the connection with Mami wouldn’t exist at all.
So far, we have only this much in the pipeline, and it is still undecided how it will develop from the previous timeline with only a partial scenario.
In the first Degrees of Love game, Arisa was always talking about world lines, and I remember there was a scene where one of the world lines Arisa showed was of a separate Universe where Satoshi was a working man.
I think I understand why the new game is also called Degrees of Love then.
However this is not good for marketing reasons. You will have trouble selling the work and relating it to the past work if you do so. People may skip the original Degrees of Love!
I think the Unity game should be called Degrees of Love -Alter-
To show that it’s a different world line.
I really like how casual and relaxed Arisa’s relationship is with Satoshi. I prefer Mami, because Mami’s affection was more sincere and straightforward, while Arisa’s calm nature makes me question how much she truly loves Satoshi. I like how different they are.
I have a lot to say regarding the sexual content so far.
First of all, I think the Paizuri was well done. I didn’t expect two ejaculations from Paizuri only! I expected one ejaculation and then she would use the Paizuri to make him erect again, to insert. The kindness and care in which the paizuri was animated is amazing.
The cowgirl is great as well. Just like the original Degrees of Love, it seems Arisa is more skilled at sex than Mami! It’s interesting that you are keeping this consistent.
I must say however… the actual motion did not fit the text. There were times when Satoshi said he was pushing up, but it didn’t feel like that. It felt like Arisa was in control. There are times where Arisa is moving where it feels like Satoshi is in control.
First, I will give an example.
Here is Arisa in control.
Here is my character in control.
The concept of weight transfer is great. Arisa clearly has weight, and when she lands on Satoshi’s body, she pushes him down. The problem is that the way you handle push up doesn’t make sense. If the man is thrusting up, his force must be the primary force.
I will show an example.
This is how you do a male dominant push up.
As you can see the male is pushing up, and the woman is only receiving. The key is that he moves up and down at a normal pace. Her body follows his body up, but comes down slowly.
This is animation 19 in your game. The animation for Satoshi pushing up.
Arisa’s body leaves Satoshi’s body before he pushes up entirely. Her body also lands on Satoshi’s body when he’s at the bottom. This is not a case of Satoshi pushing up, but a case where Satoshi is shaking a bit with Arisa still trying to move.
By the way. There is a 3rd option. The woman does not lead, but the man does not lead. They meet in the middle. This is an option for woman on top where both parties seek each other out.
My preference is female leading, but the 3rd option has its benefits when it comes to romantic writing.
This is what the 3rd option looks like.
If maledom is male leading. femdom is female leading. Then this 3rd option is nondom.
Nondom is quite popular. A lot of animators animate in this style when they want female assertive sex and want the man to work.
The problem with doing this, is that it is very hard to do a sense of weight due to the force when they meet being equal. You can still take that and make it “more female leaning” by giving her the power of weight. It would look like this:
As you can see in this one, no one is leading at the start! The woman comes down as the man goes up! The difference is, that when they meet the force of the woman is greater than the man, pushing him back down a bit quicker. This can be due to gravity, the woman’s aggressiveness, or the weight of her body helping.
It is a way to animate female leading while still letting the man work to try to make his partner orgasm.
I tried to use the Inquiry form to send you this information, but it is broken.
I checked the parameters on the E-mote again, and I think there is probably some part of the behavior that is affected by other parameters.
As for the thrust, I was fiddling with the parameters on the assumption that it would bounce upward, but I thought that maybe there was some sort of rolling that caused the motion to return faster than it actually did.
on the male side and on the female side.
The parameters are set so that the body moves downward depending on the situation. I think it’s possible that what you’re including as an expression of your body’s reaction has an influence.
Just in case, I will think about it after looking at the parameters, and I will try to see if I can set a waiting time when I join to make sure I hit and then leave.
When I checked by the millimeter, it was already in a state where it started to go up from downward to upward momentarily. I think this may make it look like it’s floating, so I’ll make adjustments to keep this area in mind and post it again in the article.
This time, I thought the male side was using the female side’s ankle as an assumption for the arm to be fixed, which might have made the movement look different from our assumption, but I will try to adjust it again.
In terms of the riding position, I still plan to have more than a few in the future, and I hope to be able to make some changes in my behavior depending on the situation.
>If maledom is male leading. femdom is female leading. Then this 3rd option is nondom.
>Nondom is quite popular. A lot of animators animate in this style when they want female assertive sex and want the man to work.
This kind of thing might make interesting moves if you adopt it, so I’ll try it with something I’ll draw later.
As for the title, I thought it might be a good idea to tweak it a little, so I’ll come up with that idea.
I want to make it clear.
Don’t do content you don’t want to do.
I am only sharing the information I have because I feel like I can help. If you want to do other types of content do it. The project is yours and I don’t want to influence your work in a way that pushes you away from what you want to do.
> I think it’s possible that what you’re including as an expression of your body’s reaction has an influence.
That’s interesting. So it’s very hard to make such details.
> This time, I thought the male side was using the female side’s ankle as an assumption for the arm to be fixed, which might have made the movement look different from our assumption, but I will try to adjust it again.
In real life that wouldn’t affect anything XD
> This kind of thing might make interesting moves if you adopt it, so I’ll try it with something I’ll draw later.
I prefer femdom, but nondom has good potential for erotic writing.
It has the sense of, “I don’t want to lose to my woman.”
> As for the title, I thought it might be a good idea to tweak it a little, so I’ll come up with that idea.
That would be nice!